Jul 15, 2021
Like many real estate professionals, Jonathan Klemm transitioned from a W-2; what is remarkable about him is his background working with Walsh Construction, which is one of Chicago’s largest construction and contraction companies. Jonathan has taken everything he learned about managing large scale projects and applied it to smaller, investor focused projects. Listen in as Jonathan explains his process, what sets his company apart and how to best position yourself to work with contractors.
Connect with Mark and Tom: StraightUpChicagoInvestor.com
Email the Show: StraightUpChicagoInvestor@gmail.com
Guest: Jonathan Klemm of Quality Builders | Email Jonathan: Jonathan@qualitybuilders.com | Email Quality Builders: info@qualitybuilders.com
Link: The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It
Link: Remodeling and Repair - Installation Cost Calculators
Link: The Lean Startup: How Constant Innovation Creates Radically Successful Businesses
Link: Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business eBook: Wickman, Gino: Kindle Store
Link: How to Win Friends and Influence People - Kindle edition by Carnegie, Dale. Self-Help Kindle eBooks
Link: Prashanth Mahakali - Chicago, Illinois, United States | Professional Profile
Guest Questions
Guest Intro 5:00
Takeaways from working at a large construction company for quality builders? 8:00
Questions to ask when interviewing contractors? 11:20
What’s expected of investors you partner with? 12:50
How does an investor's financing affect your timeline? 17:00
What items can cause a large change in price during the work? 25:00
How do you manage pricing variability? 27:00
How did you move from W-2 to self employed? 28:25
Wrap Up Questions
What’s your competitive advantage? 37:45
Advice for new investors? 38:40
What do you do for fun? 39:15
Self development activity? 39:56
Local network recommendation? 40:45
How can we learn more about you? 41:45
That’s our show, thanks again for tuning in!
If you want to make the most of your investment, connect with us at https://www.gcrealtyinc.com/.
Production House: Flint Stone Media
Copyright of Straight Up Chicago Investor 2021.